
Chinese Word Segmentation


Chinese is written using characters (hanzi), where each character represents a syllable. A word is usually taken to consist of one or more character tokens. There are no spaces between words. Less than 3500 distinct characters are normally encountered. Word segmentation (or tokenization) is the process of dividing up a sequence of characters into a sequence of words.



亲 请问有什么可以帮您的吗?


亲 请问 有 什么 可以 帮 您 的 吗 ?


Word F1 score:

Gold: 共同 创造 美好 的 新 世纪 —— 二○○一年 新年 贺词

Hypothesis: 共同 创造 美 好 的 新 世纪 —— 二○○一年 新年 贺词

Precision = 9 / 11 = 0.818

Recall = 9 / 10 = 0.9

F1 = 0.857

The Second International Chinese Word Segmentation Bakeoff in SIGHAN 2005 Workshop (Emerson, 2005).

Corpus Abbrev. Encoding Test Size (Tokens/Types)
Traditional Chinese      
Academia Sinica(Taipei) AS Unicode/Big Five Plus 122K / 19K
City University of Hong Kong CityU HKSCS Unicode/Big Five 104K / 13K
Simplified Chinese      
Peking University PK CP936/Unicode 41K / 9K
Microsoft Research MSRA CP936/Unicode 107K / 13K


Ke et al. (2021) 97.0 98.2 98.5 96.9
Qiu, Pei, Yan, Huang (2020) 96.4 96.9 98.1 96.4
Tian, Song, Xia, Zhang, Wang (2020) 96.6 97.9 98.4 96.5
Meng et al. (2019) 96.7* 97.9* 98.3 96.7
Huang et al. (2019) 96.6 97.6 97.9 96.6
Ma et al. (2018) 96.2 97.2 97.4 96.1
Yang et al. (2017) 95.7 96.9 97.5 96.3
Zhou et al. (2017)     97.8 96.0

* Unlike others, Meng et al. (2019) do not report converting traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese.


Train set Training Size(Words)
AS 5.45M
CityU 1.46M
MSRA 2.37M
PKU 1.1M

Chinese Penn Treebank.

Data set Test set (Tokens)
CTB6 82K
CTB7 245K
CTB9 242K


Model CTB6 CTB7 CTB9
Ke et al. (2021) 97.9    
Tian, Song, Ao, Xia, Quan, Zhang, Wang (2020) 97.5 97.3 97.8
Tian, Song, Xia, Zhang, Wang (2020) 97.3    
Yan et al. (2020)   97.1 97.6
Huang et al. (2019) 97.6    
Ma et al. (2018) 96.7 96.6**  
Yang et al. (2017) 96.2    
Zhou et al. (2017) 96.2    

** Ma et al. (2018) report different statistics for their CTB7 split (950K/60K/82K), so the results might not be comparable.


Train set Training Size (Words)
CTB6 641K
CTB7 718K
CTB9 1,696K

Chinese Universal Treebank (UD).

Data set Test set(Tokens)
UD 12,012


Model UD
Ke et al. (2021) 98.6
Tian, Song, Ao, Xia, Quan, Zhang, Wang (2020) 98.3
Huang et al. (2019) 97.3
Ma et al. (2018) 96.9


Train set Training Size(Words)
UD 98,608

NLPCC2016 WordSeg Weibo.

  # Sentences # Words # Characters
Weibo 8,592 - 315,857


Model Weibo
Yang et al. (2017) 95.5


  # Sentences # Words # Characters
Train 20,135 421,166 688,734
Dev 2,052 43,697 73,244

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